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ComfyDeploy: How ComfyUI-Lumina-Next-SFT-DiffusersWrapper works in ComfyUI?

What is ComfyUI-Lumina-Next-SFT-DiffusersWrapper?

ComfyUI-Lumina-Next-SFT-DiffusersWrapper is a custom node for ComfyUI that integrates the advanced Lumina-Next-SFT model. It offers high-quality image generation with features like time-aware scaling, optional ODE sampling, and support for high-resolution outputs. This node brings the power of the Lumina text-to-image pipeline directly into ComfyUI workflows, allowing for flexible and powerful image generation capabilities.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for ComfyUI-Lumina-Next-SFT-DiffusersWrapper and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine


Lumina Diffusers Node for ComfyUI

This custom node seamlessly integrates the Lumina-Next-SFT model into ComfyUI, enabling high-quality image generation using the advanced Lumina text-to-image pipeline. While still under active development, it offers a robust and functional implementation with advanced features.


  • Harnesses the power of the Lumina-Next-SFT model for state-of-the-art image generation
  • Offers a wide range of generation parameters for fine-tuned control
  • Implements Lumina-specific features including scaling watershed and proportional attention
  • Supports input latents and strength parameter for image-to-image capabilities
  • Automatic model downloading for seamless setup
  • Outputs generated latent representations


Now in ComfyUI Manager!

For manual installation:

  1. Ensure you have ComfyUI installed and properly set up.

  2. Clone this repository into your ComfyUI custom nodes directory:

    git clone
  3. The required dependencies will be automatically installed.

    NOTE: This installation includes a development branch of diffusers, which may conflict with some existing nodes.


Use with the standard SDXL_VAE or SDXL_Fixed_FP16-VAE

  1. Launch ComfyUI.
  2. Locate the "Lumina-Next-SFT Diffusers" node in the node selection menu.
  3. Add the node to your workflow.
  4. Connect the necessary inputs and outputs.
  5. Configure the node parameters as desired.
  6. Execute your workflow to generate images.


  • model_path: Path to the Lumina model (default: "Alpha-VLLM/Lumina-Next-SFT-diffusers")
  • prompt: Text prompt for image generation
  • negative_prompt: Negative text prompt
  • num_inference_steps: Number of denoising steps (default: 30)
  • guidance_scale: Classifier-free guidance scale (default: 4.0)
  • seed: Random seed for generation (-1 for random)
  • batch_size: Number of images to generate in one batch (default: 1)
  • scaling_watershed: Scaling watershed parameter (default: 0.3)
  • proportional_attn: Enable proportional attention (default: True)
  • clean_caption: Clean input captions (default: True)
  • max_sequence_length: Maximum sequence length for text input (default: 256)
  • use_time_shift: Enable time shift feature (default: False)
  • t_shift: Time shift factor (default: 4)
  • strength: Strength for image-to-image generation (default: 1.0, range: 0.0 to 1.0)


  • latents (optional): Input latents for image-to-image generation


  • LATENT: Latent representation of the generated image(s)

Known Features and Limitations

  • Supports input latents for image-to-image generation
  • Implements strength parameter for controlling the influence of input latents
  • Time shift feature for advanced control over the generation process
  • Output is currently limited to latent representations; use a VAE decode node to obtain images

Example Outputs

Screenshot 2024-07-28 195044


Screenshot 2024-07-22 103940


Screenshot 2024-07-22 131142

Screenshot 2024-07-22 104629











If you encounter any issues, please check the console output for error messages. Common issues include:

  • Insufficient GPU memory
  • Missing dependencies
  • Incorrect model path

For further assistance, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
