Nodes Browser

ImageMagick Adaptive Blur
ImageMagick Adaptive Resize
ImageMagick Adaptive Sharpen
ImageMagick Adaptive Threshold
ImageMagick Auto Gamma
ImageMagick Auto Level
ImageMagick Auto Orient
ImageMagick Auto Threshold
ImageMagick Blue Shift
ImageMagick Blur
ImageMagick Brightness Contrast
ImageMagick Canny
ImageMagick Charcoal
ImageMagick Chop
ImageMagick Clahe
ImageMagick Clamp
ImageMagick Coalesce
ImageMagick Color Decision List
ImageMagick Color Matrix
ImageMagick Combine
ImageMagick Concat
ImageMagick Contrast
ImageMagick Contrast Stretch
ImageMagick Crop
ImageMagick Cycle Color Map
ImageMagick Decipher
ImageMagick Despeckle
ImageMagick Distort
ImageMagick Edge
ImageMagick Emboss
ImageMagick Encipher
ImageMagick Enhance
ImageMagick Equalize
ImageMagick Evaluate
ImageMagick Extent
ImageMagick Flip
ImageMagick Flop
ImageMagick Forward Fourier Transform
ImageMagick Function
ImageMagick Gamma
ImageMagick Gaussian Blur
ImageMagick Hough Lines
ImageMagick Implode
ImageMagick Kmeans
ImageMagick Kuwahara
ImageMagick Level
ImageMagick Levelize
ImageMagick Linear Stretch
ImageMagick Liquid Rescale
ImageMagick Local Contrast
ImageMagick Magnify
ImageMagick Mean Shift
ImageMagick Merge Layers
ImageMagick Mode
ImageMagick Modulate
ImageMagick Morphology
ImageMagick Motion Blur
ImageMagick Negate
ImageMagick Noise
ImageMagick Normalize
ImageMagick Oil Paint
ImageMagick Ordered Dither
ImageMagick Polynomial
ImageMagick Posterize
ImageMagick Quantize
ImageMagick Random Threshold
ImageMagick Range Threshold
ImageMagick Resample
ImageMagick Resize
ImageMagick Roll
ImageMagick Rotational Blur
ImageMagick Sample
ImageMagick Scale
ImageMagick Selective Blur
ImageMagick Sepia Tone
ImageMagick Shade
ImageMagick Shadow
ImageMagick Sharpen
ImageMagick Shave
ImageMagick Sigmoidal Contrast
ImageMagick Sketch
ImageMagick Smush
ImageMagick Solarize
ImageMagick Splice
ImageMagick Spread
ImageMagick Statistic
ImageMagick Swirl
ImageMagick Threshold
ImageMagick Thumbnail
ImageMagick Transform
ImageMagick Transform Colorspace
ImageMagick Transparentize
ImageMagick Transpose
ImageMagick Transverse
ImageMagick Unsharp Mask
ImageMagick Vignette
ImageMagick Wave
ImageMagick Wavelet Denoise
ImageMagick White Balance

ComfyDeploy: How ComfyUI-MagickWand works in ComfyUI?

What is ComfyUI-MagickWand?

Proper implementation of ImageMagick - the famous software suite for editing and manipulating digital images to ComfyUI using [a/wandpy]( NOTE: You need to install ImageMagick, manually.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for ComfyUI-MagickWand and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine

ComfyUI MagickWand

Proper implementation of ImageMagick - the famous software suite for editing and manipulating digital images to ComfyUI using wandpy

Batch value is also supported (i.e. from Batch Value Schedule, Spline Editor, etc)

Example workflow


Install ImageMagick on your system

Install ImageMagick on Windows

For other CPU architectures, please download dynamic builds (ones have "dll" in name). A static or portable build won't work as it doesn't have necessary DLL files

Install ImageMagick on Debian/Ubuntu

If you’re using Linux distributions based on Debian like Ubuntu, it can be easily installed using APT:

sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev

Install ImageMagick on Fedora/CentOS

If you’re using Linux distributions based on Redhat like Fedora or CentOS, it can be installed using Yum:

yum update
yum install ImageMagick-devel

Install ImageMagick on Mac

You need one of Homebrew or MacPorts to install ImageMagick.


brew install imagemagick


sudo port install imagemagick

If your Python in not installed using MacPorts, you have to export MAGICK_HOME path as well. Because Python that is not installed using MacPorts doesn’t look up /opt/local, the default path prefix of MacPorts packages.

export MAGICK_HOME=/opt/local

Install custom node suite

There are two ways:

  1. Through ComfyUI-Manager
  2. Run the following command, assuming your terminal is already in ComfyUI folder:
cd custom_nodes
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt

Supported methods (99)








Color Matrix & Decision List



