Nodes Browser

ComfyDeploy: How QRNG_Node_ComfyUI works in ComfyUI?

What is QRNG_Node_ComfyUI?

Nodes: QRNG Node CSV. A node that takes in an array of random numbers from the ANU QRNG API and stores them locally for generating quantum random number noise_seeds in ComfyUI

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for QRNG_Node_ComfyUI and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine


A node that takes in an array of random numbers from the ANU QRNG API and stores them locally for generating quantum random number noise_seeds in ComfyUI

Set Up:

The installation itself is pretty easy:

  1. Just grab the .py file from the repository and add it to your custom nodes folder in the ComfyUI file structure
  2. Visit and get a free-tier API license
  3. Open and add your API key to line 11
  4. Save the file


Usage is also easy:

  1. Right click the KSampler or KSampler(Advanced)
  2. Select "Convert noise_seed to input"
  3. Add and connect the qrng node to the new noise_seed input
  4. Run generations like normal ^.^


  • The ANU QRNG API allows 100 requests per month
  • I have each request grabbing 1024 16-bit integers
  • I have the back-end doing some bit math to combine 4 of these into a 64-bit integer (the max size the noise_seed field can accept)
  • This means that you get (100*1024)/4 or 25,600 quantum randomly generated seeds per month (not including increasing the batch size per queue because the subsequent generations are all based on the original randomly generated noise_seed, so ^ batch ^ possible generations per seed)
  • I personally haven't come anywhere close to hitting this, but if people are using a means of looping generations so each loop uses it's own new seed, you might get closer to hitting the limit than I. At that point I'd reccommend upgrading your API key's tier.


  • I'm not in any way affiliated with ANU or their department providing this API. I just find it a fun tool to incorporate measurably random data into projects. AKA - I don't get paid for promoting their API :p

Link to ComfyUI: Thanks Comfy and the community around this awesome UI! :3