Nodes Browser

ComfyDeploy: How Comfyui-Qb-Date-Nodes works in ComfyUI?

What is Comfyui-Qb-Date-Nodes?

A custom node designed for ComfyUI, allowing users to format the current date and time based on a specified format.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for Comfyui-Qb-Date-Nodes and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine


A custom node designed for ComfyUI, allowing users to format the current date and time based on a specified format.

中文说明 (


The NowFormatterNode class provides a way to obtain the current date and time in a customizable format. Users can specify the format pattern, which will be converted to the strftime format to produce a formatted string of the current date and time.



  • format (string): The desired format of the date and time. Default is "yyyy-MM-dd-hhmmss".
    • Use the following symbols:
      • yyyy: Full year (e.g., 2024)
      • MM: Month (01 to 12)
      • dd: Day of the month (01 to 31)
      • hh: Hour in 24-hour format (00 to 23)
      • mm: Minutes (00 to 59)
      • ss: Seconds (00 to 59)


  • formatted_datetime (string): The current date and time, formatted according to the specified input pattern.


To format the current date and time as "2024-11-03-142530":

  1. Set format to "yyyy-MM-dd-hhmmss".
  2. The output will be formatted based on the current date and time.

Code Structure

The node uses the strftime function to generate the formatted date and time. Any errors in format specification will raise a ValueError with a detailed message.


Class Structure

  • INPUT_TYPES: Specifies the format input.
  • RETURN_TYPES and RETURN_NAMES: Define the output type and name as formatted_datetime.
  • format_datetime Method: Main function that formats the date and time.
  • IS_CHANGED Method: Placeholder, returning NaN to indicate this node has no state that would trigger a change on its own.

Error Handling

If the format pattern is invalid, a ValueError will be raised to indicate the issue.

For the Chinese version, please refer to the 中文说明 (