Nodes Browser

ComfyDeploy: How ComfyUI-color-ascii-art-node works in ComfyUI?

What is ComfyUI-color-ascii-art-node?

This is a custom node to convert png images into color ASCII art. As noted below, multiple font sizes are used in the specification. The resolution of the generated file is set to be the same as the input image.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for ComfyUI-color-ascii-art-node and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine





This is a custom node to convert png images into color ASCII art.

As noted below, multiple font sizes are used in the specification.

The resolution of the generated file is set to be the same as the input image.


2024/9/26 カスタムノードにシード値を追加しました。

2024/9/18 カスタムノードのデフォルト値を修正しました。

2024/9/5 カスタムノードにmaskの入力を追加しました。若干処理速度を上げるスクリプトを追加しました。

2024/9/3 カスタムノードの種類を3種類に追加しました。



Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:

cd Yourdirectory/ComfyUI/custom_nodes
git clone
cd comfyui-color-ascii-art-node
pip install -r requirements.txt


Example Workflow




ASCIIARTNode”, ‘ASCIIARTNodev2’, and ‘ASCIIARTSinglefontNode’ will be added to the nodes.

This node accepts “image” and “mask” input and outputs “Image”.

The output image can be changed by adjusting the parameters.





Here is a comparison of the types of nodes currently available

ASCIIARTNode": Three font sizes are placed, but there is some overlap. This can be improved by increasing or decreasing the aspect ratio.

ASCIIARTNodev2": The duplication is not basic. The font size is random.

ASCIIArtSinglefontNode": This is set so that duplication is not basic. The font size is single.


Example Workflow

①pixel size:ピクセル化するサイズの数値です。デフォルトは20にしています。ピクセルサイズとフォントサイズが同じだと綺麗に配置される傾向があります。









①pixel size: The numerical value of the size to be pixelated. Default is set to 8.

②font_size_min: The size of the font will be twice or three times the size set here(ASCIIARTNode).

③aspect_ratio_correction:When there is a noticeable overlap of characters, increase the value here to adjust it.

④font_name:Enter the file name of the font file in the directory. The default is Chewy-Regular.ttf. You can use a different font by placing a font file of your choice.

⑤ascii_chars_filename: Enter ascii_custum_characters.txt in the directory. By changing the characters in this file, you can change the characters to be placed.

⑥brightness: Adjust the brightness of the image. The basic value is 1.0. If you want to make light-colored areas whiter, increase this value.

⑦contrast: Increases the contrast of the image. The default value is 1.0, but you can increase this value depending on the contrast.