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ComfyDeploy: How ASTERR works in ComfyUI?

What is ASTERR?

Abstract Syntax Trees Evaluated Restricted Run (ASTERR) is a Python Script executor for ComfyUI. [w/Warning:ASTERR runs Python Code from a Web Interface! It is highly recommended to run this in a closed-off environment, as it could have potential security risks.]

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for ASTERR and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine


Abstract Syntax Trees Evaluated Restricted Run (ASTERR) is a Python Script executor for ComfyUI

[!WARNING] ASTERR runs Python Code from a Web Interface! It is highly recommended to run this in a closed-off environment, as it could have potential security risks.


Clone the reposity to ComfyUI/custom_nodes and restart ComfyUI if running.


The default configuration specifies a maximum recursion limit of 100 for loops and nested operations. The allowed modules list is empty, and uses the internal default allowed imports.


	"recursion_limit": 100,
	"allowed_modules": []

You can added allowed modules by their name, and optionally plus their submodule. For exmaple to allow PIL import and it's submodules you could either do

	"allowed_modules": ["PIL", "PIL.Image", "PIL.ImageFilter"]

And so on, or you could do

	"allowed_modules": ["PIL.*"]

To live dangerously and allow any imports like a og boss, you can use:

	"allowed_modules": ["*"]


ASTERR Script Node

Required Params

  • script (STRING): The script to process. Can be converted to input to provide custom text string input.

Optional params

  • trigger_run_01 (INT): 0 or 1 INT that defines whether the script should run or not.
  • a through k (*): Arbitrary input (STRING, INT, FLOAT, IMAGE, MODEL, etc) to pass as a variable to the execution namespace.

[!WARNING] Be sure to expect and handle the data you input. If a is a IMAGE tensor input, we need to handle the batched tensor ASTERR will receive accordingly.

  • preset_script (COMBO): List of .py scripts located in ASTERR/scripts for preset execution. This will override the script input.
  • always_run (COMBO): false or true on whether to always run the script (similar to trigger on run, but a constant state). If false, it will only run when a change has been made.

Hidden params

  • Accessible within scripts is prmpt and extra_pnginfo vars which can be used to investigate, fetch data. In the case of extra_pnginfo you can overwrite the variable with an updated version of the extra_pnginfo (dict) to return with the node to the executor.

Save ASTERR Script Node

Save a ASTERR script which would then be available under ASTERR/scripts and the preset_scripts menu in the ASTERR Script node.

Required Params

  • script_string (STRING): Script content string input. This string is saved to a python script file under ASTERR/scripts
  • script_name (STRING): Script name to use, does not include the extension.
  • overwrite_script (COMBO): false or true on whether to overwrite the script that already exists on disk.


Preset scripts allow you to pre-define functions to pick from and run any time. Scripts are saved a .py files (so editing is familiar).

Return methods

  • asterr_result var can be used to define the result to return to the node.
  • extra_pnginfo can be used and overwritten to return edited extra_pnginfo

Available Scripts

    • Resize input a (IMAGE) propotionally with b (INT) as max size of the result.

Script Code

# Inside functions, we must import our modules as they are scoped from the main script
# tensor2pil() and pil2tensor() are built-in methods to help with `IMAGE` input

# a = image (tensor batched image)
# b = max size (INT)

def resizeImage(image, max_size):
    import PIL
    width, height = image.size
    new_width, new_height = width, height

    if width > max_size or height > max_size:
        ratio = min(max_size / width, max_size / height)
        new_width = int(width * ratio)
        new_height = int(height * ratio)

    elif max_size > max(width, height):
        ratio = max_size / max(width, height)
        new_width = int(width * ratio)
        new_height = int(height * ratio)

    resized_image = image.resize((new_width, new_height))
    return resized_image

# We define the result to return to the node with the `asterr_result` var
asterr_result = pil2tensor(resizeImage(tensor2pil(a), b))