Nodes Browser

ComfyDeploy: How ComfyUI_sloppy-comic works in ComfyUI?

What is ComfyUI_sloppy-comic?

Using IPAdapter for style consistency, the node accepts a story structured as text {prompt} text {prompt} etc. and generates a comic, saving it to /output. It also adds LLM API Request node, providing an openai compatible LLM API for generating the stories.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for ComfyUI_sloppy-comic and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine

Generate a sloppy comic from a structured prompt

<img src="example.jpeg" alt="Example" height="2500"> <img src="workflow demo.png" alt="Workflow">


Using IPAdapter for style consistency, the node accepts a story structured as text {prompt} text {prompt} etc. and generates a comic, saving it to /output. It also adds LLM API Request node, providing an openai compatible LLM API for generating the stories.

Installation and usage:

  • First install, follow the installation instructions closely. Make sure to get ip-adapter-plus_sdxl_vit-h.safetensors SDXL plus model.
  • After installing IPAdapter, go to custom_nodes and git clone this repo.
  • Use the provided workflow
  • You may be missing a custom node I used for previewing text, install it using "install missing custom nodes"

If you don't want to use a language model you can write stories yourself, just make sure they stick to the format described above. Also, LLM API node seed doesn't do anything.