Nodes Browser

ComfyDeploy: How CS Transform Node for ComfyUI works in ComfyUI?

What is CS Transform Node for ComfyUI?

The CS Transform node is a custom node for ComfyUI that applies a series of transformations to an input image and mask. The transformations include scaling, rotation, and translation, all centered around a specified pivot point. The node ensures that the transformed image is properly accommodated within a canvas, which can be expanded if needed.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for CS Transform Node for ComfyUI and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine

CS Transform Node for ComfyUI


The CS Transform node is a custom node for ComfyUI that applies a series of transformations to an input image and mask. The transformations include scaling, rotation, and translation, all centered around a specified pivot point. The node ensures that the transformed image is properly accommodated within a canvas, which can be expanded if needed.


  • Scaling: Adjust the size of the image by a specified factor.
  • Rotation: Rotate the image around a specified pivot point.
  • Translation: Move the image by specified x and y offsets.
  • Pivot Point Visualization: Optionally display the pivot point as a red dot on the image.
  • Canvas Expansion: Optionally expand the canvas to ensure the transformed image is not cut off.


  • image (optional): The input image to be transformed.
  • mask (optional): The input mask to be transformed.
  • canvas (optional): The canvas image to determine canvas dimensions.
  • position_x (required): The x position for translation.
  • position_y (required): The y position for translation.
  • pivot_x (required): The x coordinate of the pivot point.
  • pivot_y (required): The y coordinate of the pivot point.
  • rotation (required): The rotation angle in degrees.
  • scale (required): The scaling factor.
  • canvas_width (required): The width of the canvas.
  • canvas_height (required): The height of the canvas.
  • expand_canvas (required): Whether to expand the canvas to fit the transformed image.
  • show_pivot (required): Whether to show the pivot point on the image.


  • image: The transformed image.
  • mask: The transformed mask.


  1. Adding the Node: To add the CS Transform node to your ComfyUI pipeline, ensure you have placed the file in the appropriate directory within your ComfyUI installation.

  2. Configuring Inputs: Configure the inputs as required. You can provide an image, mask, and canvas. Specify the transformation parameters including position, pivot point, rotation, and scale.

  3. Executing the Node: Execute the node to apply the transformations. The transformed image and mask will be produced as outputs.

  4. Visualizing the Pivot Point: Enable the show_pivot option to display a red dot at the pivot point on the transformed image. This can help you verify the pivot point's position after transformations.