Nodes Browser

ComfyDeploy: How ComfyUX works in ComfyUI?

What is ComfyUX?

Better user experience plugin for ComfyUI.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for ComfyUX and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine


如果你淹没在上百个节点中,ComfyUX能让你脱离苦海 If you are drowning in hundreds of Nodes, ComfyUX can save you from the misery

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  • 当工作流创建完成时,进入批量生图阶段,在画布里寻找散落在各地的节点和参数真的很痛苦
  • ComfyUX将节点按顺序排列,同时支持收藏高频参数功能,旨在提高批量生图时的微调效率
  • 另外,收藏列表可以保存到.json中,作者在分享自己的工作流时,可以同时分享收藏参数,降低学习门槛


  • When the workflow is setup, it enters the Batch-Generating stage. It is really painful to find Nodes and Parameters scattered all over the canvas
  • ComfyUX arranges the nodes in order and supports add high-frequency parameters to favorite, to improve the efficiency of fine-tuning when Batch-Generating
  • In addition, the collection list can be saved to .json. When sharing your workflow, the author can also share the collection parameters to reduce the learning threshold


  • 下载ComfyUX
  • 解压至"(你的ComfyUI路径)/custom_nodes" 目录下
  • 重启ComfyUI


  • Download ComfyUX
  • Unzip it to "(your ComfyUI path)/custom_nodes" directory
  • Restart ComfyUI


  • 节点参数面板
  • 收藏高频参数,便于后期调参
  • 生成图片展示区


  • Node Param panel
  • Collect high-frequency parameters for easy parameter adjustment later
  • Generated image Gallery

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