Nodes Browser

ComfyDeploy: How ComfyUI-Model-Manager works in ComfyUI?

What is ComfyUI-Model-Manager?

Manage models: browsing, download and delete.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for ComfyUI-Model-Manager and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine


Download, browse and delete models in ComfyUI.

Designed to support desktop, mobile and multi-screen devices.

<img src="demo/beta-menu-model-manager-button-settings-group.png" alt="Model Manager Demo Screenshot" width="65%"/> <img src="demo/tab-models.png" alt="Model Manager Demo Screenshot" width="65%"/>


Node Graph

<img src="demo/tab-model-drag-add.gif" alt="Model Manager Demo Screenshot" width="65%"/>
  • Drag a model thumbnail onto the graph to add a new node.
  • Drag a model thumbnail onto an existing node to set the input field.
    • If there are multiple valid possible fields, then the drag must be exact.
  • Drag an embedding thumbnail onto a text area, or highlight any number of nodes, to append it onto the end of the text.
  • Drag the preview image in a model's info view onto the graph to load the embedded workflow (if it exists).
<img src="demo/tab-model-preview-thumbnail-buttons-example.png" alt="Model Manager Demo Screenshot" width="65%"/>
  • Press the "copy" button to copy a model to ComfyUI's clipboard or copy the embedding to the system clipboard. (Copying the embedding to the system clipboard requires a secure http connection.)
  • Press the "add" button to add the model to the ComfyUI graph or append the embedding to one or more selected nodes.
  • Press the "load workflow" button to try and load a workflow embedded in a model's preview image.

Download Tab

<img src="demo/tab-download.png" alt="Model Manager Demo Screenshot" width="65%"/>
  • View multiple models associated with a url.
  • Select a save directory and input a filename.
  • Optionally set a model's preview image.
  • Optionally edit and save descriptions as a .txt note. (Default behavior can be set in the settings tab.)
  • Add Civitai and HuggingFace API tokens in server_settings.yaml.

Models Tab

<img src="demo/tab-models-dropdown.png" alt="Model Manager Demo Screenshot" width="65%"/>
  • Search in real-time for models using the search bar.
  • Use advance keyword search by typing "multiple words in quotes" or a minus sign before to -exclude a word or phrase.
  • Add / at the start of a search to view a dropdown list of subdirectories (for example, /0/1.5/styles/clothing).
    • Any directory paths in ComfyUI's extra_model_paths.yaml or directories added in ComfyUI/models/ will automatically be detected.
  • Sort models by "Date Created", "Date Modified", "Name" and "File Size".

Model Info View

<img src="demo/tab-model-info-overview.png" alt="Model Manager Demo Screenshot" width="65%"/>
  • View file info and metadata.
  • Rename, move or permanently remove a model and all of it's related files.
  • Read, edit and save notes. (Saved as a .txt file beside the model).
    • Ctrl+s or ⌘+S to save a note when the textarea is in focus.
    • Autosave can be enabled in settings. (Note: Once the model info view is closed, the undo history is lost.)
  • Change or remove a model's preview image.
  • View training tags and use the random tag generator to generate prompt ideas. (Inspired by the one in A1111.)

Settings Tab

<img src="demo/tab-settings.png" alt="Model Manager Demo Screenshot" width="65%"/>
  • Settings are saved to ui_settings.yaml.
  • Most settings should update immediately, but a few may require a page reload to take effect.
  • Press the "Fix Extensions" button to correct all image file extensions in the model directories. (Note: This may take a minute or so to complete.)