ComfyDeploy: How ComfyUI-PromptUtilities works in ComfyUI?

What is ComfyUI-PromptUtilities?

Nodes: Format String, Join String List, Load Preset, Load Preset (Advanced), Const String, Const String (multi line). Add useful nodes related to prompt.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for ComfyUI-PromptUtilities and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine


PromptUtilities Preview

  • Custom node for ComfyUI.
  • Add useful nodes related to prompt.


cd <ComfyUI directory>/custom_nodes
git clone


Join String List (Experimental)

  • Outputs string which are the input argN strings concatenated with separator.
  • There may be some bugs as we have not been able to check the operation very well.

Example Join String List

Format String (Experimental)

  • Output string containing the input argN embedded in a prompt.
  • In the prompt, [N] is replaced by the value of argN.
  • There may be some bugs as we have not been able to check the operation very well.

Example Format String

Load Preset

  • Outputs the prompt for the selected preset.
  • The presets are listed in a CSV file located in the presets directory.
  • Easy Prompt Selector yml file is also partially supported.

Example Load Preset

Load Preset (Advanced)

  • Outputs the following values for the selected preset.
    • Positive prompt
    • Negative prompt
    • LoRA and its intensity
    • LoRA Stack (for Efficiency Nodes)
  • The presets are listed in a JSON file located in the advanced_presets directory.

Example Load Preset Advanced 01 Example Load Preset Advanced 02

Random Preset / Random Preset (Advanced) (Experimental)

  • Outputs preset values randomly selected from within the selected file.
  • There may be some bugs as we have not been able to check the operation very well.

Const String

  • Outputs the input string.

Const String(multi line)

  • Outputs the input string.
  • You can input the string in multiple lines.

Prompt Weight

  • Outputs a weighted string for each prompt. Example Prompt Weight

Round Prompt Weight

  • Round prompt weights.

Replace or Insert Tag

  • Replace (mode=replace) or append (mode=insert) the value to the tag matching the pattern. Example Replace or Insert Tag


  • Renaming config.ini.example to config.ini will output Wildcard format text files from the presets placed in the presets directory to the directory specified by output_csv_presets_as_wildcards.

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