Nodes Browser

ComfyDeploy: How ComfyUI-NuA-FlashFace works in ComfyUI?

What is ComfyUI-NuA-FlashFace?

ComfyUI implementation of [a/FlashFace: Human Image Personalization with High-fidelity Identity Preservation]( NOTE: You need to downalod models manually.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for ComfyUI-NuA-FlashFace and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine


ComfyUI implementation of FlashFace: Human Image Personalization with High-fidelity Identity Preservation


  1. Zero-shot human image customization within seconds with one or several reference faces.
  2. Strong identity preservation ability, even for non-celebrities
  3. Strong language prompts following ability, even changing the age or gender of the person.
  4. Flexible strength adjustment for identity image control and language prompt control.


  1. Clone the repository into the ComfyUI/custom_nodes directory

    cd ComfyUI/custom_nodes
    git clone
  2. Install the required modules

    pip install -r ComfyUI-NuA-FlashFace/requirements.txt
  3. Copy the model weights into the appropriate folders

    mkdir ComfyUI/models/flashface
    mkdir ComfyUI/models/face_detection
    wget -O ComfyUI/models/flashface/flashface.ckpt
    wget -O ComfyUI/models/vae/sd-v1-vae.pth
    wget -O ComfyUI/models/clip/openai-clip-vit-large-14.pth
    wget -O ComfyUI/models/clip/bpe_simple_vocab_16e6.txt.gz
    wget -O ComfyUI/models/face_detection/retinaface_resnet50.pth
  4. Alternatively, you can use the script to automate the setup process:

    cd ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI-NuA-FlashFace


In the examples folder, you will find the workflow diagram, the JSON file with the configuration, and four resulting images.

Workflow Diagram

<img src="examples/workflow_example.png" alt="Workflow Diagram" width=auto height=auto>

Resulting Images

<table> <tr> <td><img src="examples/ComfyUI_example_0.png" alt="Result Image 1" width=auto height=auto></td> <td><img src="examples/ComfyUI_example_1.png" alt="Result Image 2" width=auto height=auto></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="examples/ComfyUI_example_2.png" alt="Result Image 3" width=auto height=auto></td> <td><img src="examples/ComfyUI_example_3.png" alt="Result Image 4" width=auto height=auto></td> </tr> </table>