Nodes Browser

ComfyDeploy: How comfy_clip_blip_node works in ComfyUI?

What is comfy_clip_blip_node?

CLIPTextEncodeBLIP: This custom node provides a CLIP Encoder that is capable of receiving images as input.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for comfy_clip_blip_node and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine

A ComfyUI Node for adding BLIP in CLIPTextEncode

Announcement: BLIP is now officially integrated into CLIPTextEncode


  • ✅ Fairscale>=0.4.4 (NOT in ComfyUI)
  • ✅ Transformers==4.26.1 (already in ComfyUI)
  • ✅ Timm>=0.4.12 (already in ComfyUI)
  • ✅ Gitpython (already in ComfyUI)

Local Installation

Inside ComfyUI_windows_portable\python_embeded, run:

<pre>python.exe -m pip install fairscale</pre>

And, inside ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\custom_nodes, run:

<pre>git clone</pre>

Google Colab Installation

Add a cell with the following code:

<pre> !pip install fairscale !cd custom_nodes && git clone </pre>

How to use

  1. Add the CLIPTextEncodeBLIP node;
  2. Connect the node with an image and select a value for min_length and max_length;
  3. Optional: if you want to embed the BLIP text in a prompt, use the keyword BLIP_TEXT (e.g. "a photo of BLIP_TEXT", medium shot, intricate details, highly detailed).


The implementation of CLIPTextEncodeBLIP relies on resources from <a href="">BLIP</a>, <a href="">ALBEF</a>, <a href="">Huggingface Transformers</a>, and <a href="">timm</a>. We thank the original authors for their open-sourcing.