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ComfyDeploy: How ComfyUI PNG Metadata works in ComfyUI?

What is ComfyUI PNG Metadata?

Add custom Metadata fields to your saved PNG files.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for ComfyUI PNG Metadata and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine

ComfyUI-PNG-Metadata Custom Nodes

<img src="examples/workflow.png"/>

ComfyUI-PNG-Metadata is a set of custom nodes for ComfyUI. It provides nodes that allow to add custom metadata to your PNG files, such as the prompt and settings used to generate the image. This also can be used to add "parameters" metadata item compatible with AUTOMATIC1111 metadata.

To use the nodes, simply add them to your workflow and connect the inputs. This will automatically add the metadata to any standard "save image" nodes.

The nodes provided in this library are:

  1. Set Metadata - Set a single custom metadata field and optionally update 'parameters' field in png metadata.
  2. Set Metadata (All) - Set multiple metadata at once and write them to 'parameters' field in png metadata.

Note: Currently the node execution order is not enforced, so if Metadata nodes execute after the Save Image node, the metadata will not be written to the image. This will be fixed in a future release.


Using ComfyUI-Manager

  1. Install ComfyUI-Manager if it isn't already.
  2. Press Install Custom Nodes from the ComfyUI-Manager menu
  3. Search for ComfyUI-PNG-Metadata
  4. Click install

Manual installation

Follow the steps below to install the ComfyUI-PNG-Metadata Library. These commands assume your current working directory is the ComfyUI root directory.

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone custom_nodes/ComfyUI-PNG-Metadata
  2. Restart your ComfyUI.
  3. You can find example workflows in the custom_nodes/ComfyUI-PNG-Metadata/examples directory.