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ComfyDeploy: How ComfyUI_FoleyCrafter works in ComfyUI?

What is ComfyUI_FoleyCrafter?

FoleyCrafter is a video-to-audio generation framework which can produce realistic sound effects semantically relevant and synchronized with videos.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for ComfyUI_FoleyCrafter and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine


FoleyCrafter is a video-to-audio generation framework which can produce realistic sound effects semantically relevant and synchronized with videos.

FoleyCrafter From: FoleyCrafter



  • add skip_timesync function from @phr00t,thanks!

  • fix "max frame" in timesync default is "150",now you can set "max frames" to "0" to get full timesync(more time need),or set "1" to timesync as fps(maybe best set)

  • 基于@phr00t 的建议,时间同步现在设置为可关闭,速度会快很多。然后max frame新增2个功能,设置为0时,读取最大值的帧数,耗时更长,设置为1时,max frame为视频的实际帧率,效果或许最好!

  • seed max changged/修改最大种子数;

  • 2024/08/22

  • 修复clip关闭的错误;节点改成字典,避免太多线了,运行离线模型失败的,请看3.2和3.3内容;

  • Fix the error of closing clip; Change the node to a dictionary to avoid too many lines. If the offline model fails to run, please refer to sections 3.2 and 3.3;


In the ./ComfyUI /custom_node directory, run the following:

git clone


按理是不需要装特别的库,如果还是库缺少,请单独安装。或者打开no need requirements.txt,查看缺失的库是否在里面。
秋叶包因为是沙箱模式,所以把缺失的库安装在系统的python库里,官方的便携包,用python -m pip install 库名。
If the module is missing, please open "no need requirements.txt" , pip install missing module.

可能会出现的问题,开启video_dubbing 是合成音视频,如果报错,打开控制台CMD,按以下步骤操作:
Possible issues may arise. Enabling "video_fubbing" produces synthesized audio and video. If an error occurs, open the CMD console and follow these steps:

python -m pip uninstall moviepy decorator
python -m pip install moviepy decorator

3 Need models

"ymzhang319/FoleyCrafter" link , 全部下载,并按如下结构存放在ComfyUI/models/foleycrafter 文件夹下,联外网会自动下载:
Download all and store them in the "ComfyUI/models/foleycrafter folder" according to the following structure,online will auto download:

└── ComfyUI/models/foleycrafter/
    ├── semantic
    │   ├── semantic_adapter.bin
    ├── vocoder
    │   ├──
    │   ├── config.json
    ├── temporal_adapter.ckpt
    │   │
    └── timestamp_detector.pth.tar

online,fill "h94/IP-Adapter" link, 离线使用时,部分下载,文件结构如下,联外网会自动下载,if offline, Partial download, file structure as follows,online will auto download: 离线使用时,只需要填写:any_path 。。。。 When used offline, only need to fill in: any_path;

└── any_path
    ├── models/image_encoder
    │   ├── model.safetensors
    │   ├── config.json

"auffusion/auffusion-full-no-adapter" link, 离线使用时,部分下载,文件结构如下,联外网会自动下载,if offline, Partial download, file structure as follows,online will auto download:
离线使用时,只需要填写:any_path/auffusion/auffusion-full-no-adapter 。。。When used offline, only need to fill in:any_path/auffusion/auffusion-full-no-adapter;

├── any_path/auffusion/auffusion-full-no-adapter
|      ├──model_index.json
|      ├──vae
|          ├── config.json
|          ├── diffusion_pytorch_model.bin
|      ├──unet
|          ├── config.json
|          ├── diffusion_pytorch_model.bin
|      ├──tokenizer
|          ├── merges.txt
|          ├── special_tokens_map.json
|          ├── tokenizer_config.json
|          ├── vocab.json
|      ├── text_encoder
|          ├── config.json
|          ├── pytorch_model.bin  
|      ├── scheduler
|          ├── scheduler_config.json
|      ├──feature_extractor
|          ├──preprocessor_config.json
|      ├──vocoder
|          ├──config.json
|          ├──

4 Example

video_dubbing using prompt and negative_prompt (Latest version)

5 Function Description of Nodes

--semantic_scale :ip adatpter scale 调整音频的跟视频的相似度;
--max_frame :audio length 音频对齐间隔,为0时全选,为1时间隔数为fps,目前设置500;
--controlnet_scale: another audio sacle 未测试;
--sample_width/sample_width: weights type, don't change it 模型尺寸,不要动,这个跟视频长宽无关;
--video_dubbing: save or not(if using example) 是否用内置的音视频合成,如果用示例的VH合成,可以关闭。

6 Citation


  title={FoleyCrafter: Bring Silent Videos to Life with Lifelike and Synchronized Sounds},
  author={Yiming Zhang, Yicheng Gu, Yanhong Zeng, Zhening Xing, Yuancheng Wang, Zhizheng Wu, Kai Chen},