ComfyDeploy: How LCM_Inpaint-Outpaint_Comfy works in ComfyUI?

What is LCM_Inpaint-Outpaint_Comfy?

ComfyUI custom nodes for inpainting/outpainting using the new latent consistency model (LCM)

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for LCM_Inpaint-Outpaint_Comfy and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine


Errors may occur on Windows due to paths being formatted for linux without accounting for Windows. Let me know if you face any error in the issues page.


ComfyUI custom nodes for inpainting/outpainting using the new latent consistency model (LCM)

Mix Images

<img src=''>


<img src=''>


<img src=''>

Prompt Weighting

Note: Requires CPU inference (select CPU in LCMLoader Node). (facing error that i dont know how to fix when using GPU)

Add '+' for more effect and '-' for less effect. Adding more '+' or '-' increases the effects.

<img src=''>


<img src=''>


<img src=''>

Style Transfer

<img src=''>

Image Variations

<img src=''>

Promptless Outpainting

<img src=''>

Image Blending

<img src=''>

ControlNet/T2I Adapter

<img src=''>

T2IAdapter thanks to Michael Poutre

Place model folders inside 'ComfyUI/models/controlnet'

IP Adapter

<img src=''>

Place model folders inside 'ComfyUI/models/controlnet'

Canvas Inpaint/Outpaint/img2img

<img src=''>

In your Terminal/cmd at the directory where your ComfyUI folder is:

cd ComfyUI/custom_nodes/LCM_Inpaint_Outpaint_Comfy/CanvasTool


How to Use:

Clone into custom_nodes folder inside your ComfyUI directory

git clone

Install requirements after changing directory to LCM_Inpaint-Outpaint_Comfy folder

cd LCM_Inpaint-Outpaint_Comfy
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download the model in diffusers format from and place it inside model/diffusers folder in your ComfyUI directory. (The name of the model folder should be "LCM_Dreamshaper_v7")

Load the workflow by choosing the .json file for inpainting or outpainting.


nagolinc's img2img script

Michael Poutre T2IAdapters