Nodes Browser

ComfyDeploy: How ComfyUI_zfkun works in ComfyUI?

What is ComfyUI_zfkun?

A collection of nodes for common tools, including text preview, text translation (multi-platform, multi-language), image loader, webcamera capture.

How to install it in ComfyDeploy?

Head over to the machine page

  1. Click on the "Create a new machine" button
  2. Select the Edit build steps
  3. Add a new step -> Custom Node
  4. Search for ComfyUI_zfkun and select it
  5. Close the build step dialig and then click on the "Save" button to rebuild the machine

ComfyUI zfkun

Custom nodes pack for ComfyUI



  • update version to 0.0.8
  • add error tips for Share Screen node
  • Optimize some logic for Share Screen node


  • update version to 0.0.7
  • add Clip Area support for Share Screen node
  • add Refresh Duration support for Share Screen node


  • add Window Capture Simple Server (WIP)


  • update version to 0.0.6
  • add Share Screen node


  • update version to 0.0.5
  • fix translation error for alibaba platform
  • fix translator name typo for tencent platform


  • update version to 0.0.4
  • update README
  • add Load Image Path node
  • add Camera Capture Simple server


  • update version to 0.0.3

  • add niutrans platform for text translate node


  • update version to 0.0.2

  • add auto converting encoding to utf-8 for config.yaml

  • add auto install requirements



Using ComfyUI Manager (recommended)

Install ComfyUI Manager and do steps introduced there to install this repo.


cd ComfyUI/custom_nodes/
git clone

# comfyui use system python
pip install -r requirements.txt

# if comfyui use venv
# path/to/ComfUI/venv/bin/python -s -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# restart ComfyUI


Camera Capture Simple

a simple camera capture server.

mainly used with Load Image Path and LCM for real-time virtual live workflow


  • custom capture source (0, 1, 2 ...)
  • custom output directory
  • custom output filename (* will be replaced by %Y%m%d_%H%M%S)


the paths to ComfyUI and python need to be modified to suit for you.

in my case, ComfyUI in ./ComfyUI and python in ./ComfyUI/venv with venv


# enter ComfyUI's home
cd ./ComfyUI

# active virtual environment for python
source ./venv/bin/activate

# enter server's home
cd ./custom_nodes/ComfyUI_zfkun/server

# start server with custom output directory
python -o ~/ai/sd/output_webcam
<img src="./usage_camera_capture_simple_server_1.png" width="600" />


python -h
<img src="./usage_camera_capture_simple_server_2.png" width="600" />


Preview Text

support text、primitive (text) for input

Preview Text (Multiline)

support text、primitive (clip text) for input

Text Translation

support platforms:

  1. create config.yaml (copy from config.yaml.example, make sure file encoding is utf-8)
  2. update translator field, save
  3. restart ComfyUI

Load Image Path

  • support path (relativeabsolute~~user))
  • support url (httphttps)
  • support RGBA for output image
  • support default image for input

Share Screen

  • support window、tab、screen share
  • support multiple share node at the same time
  • support custom clip area
  • support custom refresh duration
  • support default image (RGBA support)
  • support weight and prompt


Preview Text

Preview Text (Multiline)

Text Translation

Load Image Path

Share Screen

Camera Capture Simple Server

Window Capture Simple Server (WIP)