Nodes Browser

BLIP Analyze Image
BLIP Model Loader
Blend Latents
Boolean To Text
Bounded Image Blend
Bounded Image Blend with Mask
Bounded Image Crop
Bounded Image Crop with Mask
Bus Node
CLIP Input Switch
CLIP Vision Input Switch
CLIPSeg Batch Masking
CLIPSeg Masking
CLIPSeg Model Loader
CLIPTextEncode (BlenderNeko Advanced + NSP)
CLIPTextEncode (NSP)
Cache Node
Checkpoint Loader
Checkpoint Loader (Simple)
Conditioning Input Switch
Constant Number
Control Net Model Input Switch
Convert Masks to Images
Create Grid Image
Create Grid Image from Batch
Create Morph Image
Create Morph Image from Path
Create Video from Path
Debug Number to Console
Dictionary to Console
Diffusers Hub Model Down-Loader
Diffusers Model Loader
Export API
HSL to Hex
Hex to HSL
Image Analyze
Image Aspect Ratio
Image Batch
Image Blank
Image Blend
Image Blend by Mask
Image Blending Mode
Image Bloom Filter
Image Bounds
Image Bounds to Console
Image Canny Filter
Image Chromatic Aberration
Image Color Palette
Image Crop Face
Image Crop Location
Image Crop Square Location
Image Displacement Warp
Image Dragan Photography Filter
Image Edge Detection Filter
Image Film Grain
Image Filter Adjustments
Image Flip
Image Generate Gradient
Image Gradient Map
Image High Pass Filter
Image History Loader
Image Input Switch
Image Levels Adjustment
Image Load
Image Lucy Sharpen
Image Median Filter
Image Mix RGB Channels
Image Monitor Effects Filter
Image Nova Filter
Image Padding
Image Paste Crop
Image Paste Crop by Location
Image Paste Face
Image Perlin Noise
Image Perlin Power Fractal
Image Pixelate
Image Power Noise
Image Rembg (Remove Background)
Image Remove Background (Alpha)
Image Remove Color
Image Resize
Image Rotate
Image Rotate Hue
Image SSAO (Ambient Occlusion)
Image SSDO (Direct Occlusion)
Image Save
Image Seamless Texture
Image Select Channel
Image Select Color
Image Send HTTP
Image Shadows and Highlights
Image Size to Number
Image Stitch
Image Style Filter
Image Threshold
Image Tiled
Image Transpose
Image Voronoi Noise Filter
Image fDOF Filter
Image to Latent Mask
Image to Noise
Image to Seed
Images to Linear
Images to RGB
Inset Image Bounds
Integer place counter
KSampler (WAS)
KSampler Cycle
Latent Batch
Latent Input Switch
Latent Noise Injection
Latent Size to Number
Latent Upscale by Factor (WAS)
Load Cache
Load Image Batch
Load Lora
Load Text File
Logic Boolean
Logic Boolean Primitive
Logic Comparison AND
Logic Comparison OR
Logic Comparison XOR
Logic NOT
Lora Input Switch
Lora Loader
Mask Arbitrary Region
Mask Batch
Mask Batch to Mask
Mask Ceiling Region
Mask Crop Dominant Region
Mask Crop Minority Region
Mask Crop Region
Mask Dilate Region
Mask Dominant Region
Mask Erode Region
Mask Fill Holes
Mask Floor Region
Mask Gaussian Region
Mask Invert
Mask Minority Region
Mask Paste Region
Mask Smooth Region
Mask Threshold Region
Masks Add
Masks Combine Batch
Masks Combine Regions
Masks Subtract
MiDaS Depth Approximation
MiDaS Mask Image
MiDaS Model Loader
Model Input Switch
Number Counter
Number Input Condition
Number Input Switch
Number Multiple Of
Number Operation
Number PI
Number to Float
Number to Int
Number to Seed
Number to String
Number to Text
Prompt Multiple Styles Selector
Prompt Styles Selector
Random Number
SAM Image Mask
SAM Model Loader
SAM Parameters
SAM Parameters Combine
Samples Passthrough (Stat System)
Save Text File
String to Text
Tensor Batch to Image
Text Add Token by Input
Text Add Tokens
Text Compare
Text Concatenate
Text Contains
Text Dictionary Convert
Text Dictionary Get
Text Dictionary Keys
Text Dictionary New
Text Dictionary To Text
Text Dictionary Update
Text File History Loader
Text Find
Text Find and Replace
Text Find and Replace Input
Text Find and Replace by Dictionary
Text Input Switch
Text List
Text List Concatenate
Text List to Text
Text Load Line From File
Text Multiline
Text Multiline (Code Compatible)
Text Parse A1111 Embeddings
Text Parse Noodle Soup Prompts
Text Parse Tokens
Text Random Line
Text Random Prompt
Text Shuffle
Text Sort
Text String
Text String Truncate
Text to Conditioning
Text to Console
Text to Number
Text to String
True Number Generator
Upscale Model Loader
Upscale Model Switch
VAE Input Switch
Video Dump Frames
Write to GIF
Write to Video
unCLIP Checkpoint Loader

Image Gradient Map

Image Gradient Map

Node Information

WAS Suite/Image/Filter
Python Module:
Output Node:
Image Gradient Map